Ban Bad Meetings

Become an expert at planning and executing must-attend, needle-moving meetings every time.

Sarah Parsons, MBA, PMP, and founder of StrategySarah.com, has spent 18 years leading meetings at companies including Nike and adidas.

A 2020 survey by Better Meetings1 found that 78% of professionals feel that their meeting schedule is either always or sometimes out of control.

54% blame their crazy meeting schedules on upper management or their direct manager.

  • “My workload is off the charts, and I have several meetings on top of it every day.“
  • “ I’m pretty good about managing my time, but when meetings constantly interrupt it throws me for a loop.”
  • “I skipped the last meeting to hit another deadline and the scheduler was snippy with me. It makes me wonder — what is their workload versus mine? Obviously they have time!”
  • “It’s the culture of where I work. Everything is a meeting.”

Ban Bad Meetings

The Quick Start Guide to planning and executing must-attend, needle-moving meetings every time.

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